Finding your Ikigai – Reason for Being

Discovering Your Passion


Have you ever felt a profound sense of purpose and enthusiasm radiating from someone’s words or actions? As if they were operating from a deep wellspring of passion and fulfillment? That’s the essence of Finding your Ikigai – Reason for Being; – a Japanese concept that encapsulates the life-giving intersection of your talents, values, and the unique way you can serve the world.

Imagine waking up each morning brimming with excitement, feeling truly alive and engaged with your daily tasks. This zest for living emerges when your reason for being seamlessly aligns with your life’s work. Yet for many, uncovering that sweet spot of ikigai feels elusive, a tantalizing yet tenuous ideal.

  “Your ikigai is at the intersection of what you are good at and what you love doing. When you feel that, your life will be filled with meaning and joy.” – Hector Garcia Puigcerver 

Author of “Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

In this blog post, we’ll embark on a journey to unlock the secrets of ikigai and discover your true passion – that driving force that adds vigor and meaning to your days. By exploring actionable strategies and real-life examples, you’ll gain insights to identify your innate gifts, navigate obstacles, and ultimately craft a life that resonates with your deepest callings.

So let’s dive in! Whether you’re seeking greater fulfillment in your career, relationships, or personal growth, understanding and embracing your ikigai can be a powerful catalyst for profound transformation.


1: Understanding Ikigai

At its core, ikigai is a beautiful synthesis of four guiding principles: passion, mission, profession, and vocation. Like the intersecting pieces of a vibrant puzzle, aligning these elements can unveil a life brimming with purpose and soul-deep contentment.

Your passion represents the activities, hobbies or pursuits that spark an innate sense of joy and enthusiasm within you. It’s that creative spark or absorbed flow state you experience when you’re truly engaged in something you love.

Complementing this is your mission – the overarching sense of values, beliefs and principles that imbue your life with meaning and provide a moral compass for your actions. Your mission expresses your unique way of positively contributing to the world.

  “Ikigai is the reason you get up in the morning, the motivation that keeps you going through the day, and the joy that makes life worth living.” – Anonymous

The profession component refers to the skills, talents and areas of expertise that you’ve cultivated through education, training or experience. It’s the knowledge and technical know-how you bring to your chosen field.

Finally, your vocation intertwines all of the above – it’s the perfect harmonizing of your passion, purpose and capabilities into compensated work that feels deeply fulfilling. Your vocation is that sweet spot where you can practice your craft while serving a greater good.

When these four elements unite in beautiful synchronicity, that’s where the magic of ikigai emerges. People who have found their ikigai exude a magnetic vitality, operating from a place of clarity, contentment and joy.


2: Identifying Your Passions- passion project ideas for creative people

At the heart of ikigai lies passion – those activities and interests that ignite a spark of pure enthusiasm and absorption within you. Uncovering your authentic passions is a powerful first step towards crafting a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Think back to your childhood days. What activities completely captivated you, causing hours to feel like moments? Perhaps you lost yourself in art, building forts, or exploring nature’s wonders. Those innate interests provide clues to your intrinsic passions.

Passion project ideas for creative people

As you grew older, which hobbies or projects most energized you? When do you experience a sense of timelessness and flow? Pay attention to the areas that naturally draw your curiosity and engagement.

Don’t limit yourself to conventional paths either. Your passion could lie in an unconventional pursuit like gaming, creating YouTube videos, or urban exploration. The key is tuning into those endeavors that make your soul come alive.

One powerful exercise is to list out all the activities that truly excite you, even if they seem impractical or unrelated to your current work. Then reflect on the common threads – the underlying motivations, thought processes or environments that enabled you to become fully immersed.

Remember, identifying your passions is an evolving journey of self-discovery. Be open to new experiences and interests that may reveal hidden dimensions of what electrifies your spirit.


3: Finding Your Mission and Vocation

While passion fuels your enthusiasm, aligning that fervour with a purposeful mission and fitting vocation channels your energy towards profound fulfilment. This section will guide you in uncovering the unique way you’re meant to contribute to the world.

Start by reflecting on your core values – those non-negotiable principles and beliefs that you diligently uphold. What issues or causes ignite a fire within you? Perhaps you feel drawn to protecting the environment, fighting for social justice, or uplifting marginalized communities.

Next, take an honest inventory of your innate strengths, talents and abilities. What activities allow you to merge your curiosity and competence in a state of absorption? These gifts and proclivities offer clues to how you can best serve.

  “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” – Pablo Picasso

With your values and talents defined, explore ways to weave them into a cohesive mission – Perhaps your calling is to innovate sustainable technologies, empower underrepresented voices through multimedia storytelling, or simplify complex subjects through teaching.

From this wellspring of purpose emerges your vocation – the avenue through which you can practice your craft while actively participating in work that positively impacts the world. For some, this may be an entrepreneurial venture, while others may find their vocation within an existing company or organization.

The path is rarely linear, so stay open-minded and imaginative. Your dream vocation may emerge from an unexpected convergence of your experiences, education and insights over time.


4: Overcoming Obstacles and Challenges

The journey towards uncovering ikigai is deeply rewarding, but rarely an easy road. Self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and practical hurdles can arise, attempting to derail you from your authentic path. Anticipating and overcoming these obstacles is crucial.

One of the biggest barriers is fear – fear of failure, rejection, or deviating from the known path. Yet playing it safe deprives you of exploring your full potential. Reframe your perspective by treating this quest as an enriching process of growth and self-discovery. Setbacks are simply opportunities to pivot.

Another challenge is contending with the noise of others’, remember that only you can truly know what ignites your essence. Practice techniques to politely disengage from negativity while staying true to your vision.


Practical concerns like finances, credentialing, or lack of a clear pathway can also breed overwhelms. Break down your lofty goals into incremental, actionable steps. Embrace a mindset of curiosity, lifelong learning, and creation over consumption.

Perhaps most importantly, cultivate self-compassion. Pursuing your ikigai is an evolving journey of courageous self-expression. Celebrate small wins, learn from missteps, and keep refining your unique reason for being.


5: Living with Ikigai

Once you’ve navigated the path of self-discovery and purposefully aligned your passion, mission and vocation, an extraordinary transformation awaits. Living with ikigai is to experience life’s richest blessings on a profound, soul-deep level.

Those operating from this enlightened space exude an unmistakable vitality and authenticity. Each day brims with enthusiasm as you merge your natural talents with work that holds immense personal meaning. You’ll experience a childlike sense of curiosity, playfulness and awe in your daily endeavour’s.

On a spiritual level, ikigai nurtures a sense of cosmic connection – that you’re an essential thread in life’s rich tapestry. You’ll feel more engaged, present and alive as you serve the world through your unique gifts.

Even mundane tasks take on more vibrance and meaning when viewed through the lens of your greater purpose. Challenges feel more manageable, as you’re buoyed by the knowledge that you’re steadfastly devoted to a mission bigger than yourself.

Ultimately, ikigai is the supreme art of aligning your essence with your existence. By this touchstone of authenticity, you’ll experience life’s deepest joys, propelled by your undeniable sense of enthusiasm, fulfilment and reason for being.



As we conclude our exploration into the life-altering power of ikigai, I hope you feel inspired to boldly pursue your unique reason for being. By identifying your passions, cultivating purposeful work aligned with your values, and persevering through obstacles, you can craft a life brimming with vitality and soul-deep fulfillment.

Remember, discovering your ikigai is an ever-evolving journey of courageous self-discovery and expression.

Embrace the ongoing process of refining your mission, nurturing your curiosities, and synthesizing your talents in service of something greater than yourself.


If you found these insights valuable, I invite you to explore further at where we share actionable wisdom to help you awaken your potential and live with more intention, joy and purpose.

The world is craving more people living authentically and purposefully. By honouring your deepest callings, you become a living inspiration for others to do the same.

So keep exploring, keep evolving, and most importantly – keep aligning your daily actions with your undeniable ikigai. That spark of passion and reason for being is yours to unleash upon the world.


7 Related topics that you may find interesting

This list covers complementary ikigai practices – all valuable tools for those on the journey of self-actualization through discovering their passion and ikigai.


  1. Ikigai Practices: Daily Rituals to Cultivate Purpose and Presence
  2. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Reprogramming Your Mindset for Success
  3. The Power of Authentic Self-Expression: Unleashing Your Creativity
  4. Crafting a Life Vision: Blueprinting Your Ideal Future
  5. Finding Flow: Boosting Productivity and Fulfilment
  6. Aligning Work and Wellness: Designing a Holistically Nourishing Career
  7. Cultivate Courage: Embracing Vulnerability as a Catalyst for Growth
